
Haus Bahagia

Halo, puji Tuhan akhirnya sekarang hari Jumat yang artinya: gue punya cukup waktu luang untuk membuka laptop dan menulis (karena di hape gue ga ada aplikasi Blogger). Biasanya, pulang sekolah udah sore, ulangan bertubi-tubi dan belum belajar sama sekali. (well that kinda rhymes. tapi jangan ditiru, lagi mau berubah kok)

Nah, pada sore hari ini gue mau mengungkit tentang sebuah kesalahan yang sering sekali kita lakukan tanpa kita sadari, dan tidak berniat untuk merubahnya karena satu alasan: ga sadar. And now, let's all stop doing the same mistake. Yuk, sadar.

Tadi pagi, bahkan bukan cuma tadi pagi, gue udah dipenuhi pikiran negatif. Ngebayangin harus sekolah, udah males. Belom lagi pulang sekolah jam 3.15, harus les lagi. Liat post orang di instagram, langsung mikir, "Kok hidupnya enak banget? Kenapa gue gabisa jadi kayak dia?"

Dari keluhan gue di atas, kalian udah punya gambaran belum tentang apa yang mau gue bahas? (kalo ga sadar berarti kalian ga peka bhay). Oke lanjut. Jadi, gue mau ngebahas tentang KEBAHAGIAAN.

Sekarang gue mau nanya ke kalian semua,
"Apakah lo udah merasa bahagia sekarang?"
"Arti kebahagiaan buat lo tuh apa sih?"

Di dunia ini, sadar ga sadar, kita sering banget dihadapi dengan keinginan-keinginan kita. Pemikiran bahwa "Gue harus dapetin ini dulu, baru gue mau bahagia" seringkali menjadi sebuah pemikiran yang  kita anggap tidak ada salahnya.

Now, you are still breathing.
Now, you can blink your eyes.
Now, you can still read my text.
Now, why don't we take a moment and STOP wanting for more and more?

Jadi, bagi kalian yang haus akan kebahagiaan, ini adalah sebuah kunci dari kebahagiaan yang harus lo pegang dan hafal mati kayak Pancasila:

"Kebahagiaan bukan diukur dari apa yang kita punya."
"Kebahagiaan diukur dari seberapa besar kita bersyukur atas apa yang kita punya"

Dari kalimat pertama di atas, gue cuma tambahin sebuah kata, yaitu bersyukur. Mau seberapa kaya kalian, seberapa bertalentanya kalian, kalian tidak akan pernah bahagia kalau kalian tidak bersyukur. Jadi, jangan pernah lupa untuk bersyukur dan ingat bahwa segala sesuatu yang kita punya itu adalah pemberian Tuhan. (bukan tugas agama kok bukan)

Jangan kejar target baru mau bahagia. Melainkan berbahagialah mulai dari sekarang, atau tidak selamanya.


#1: Haru dalam Tawa

31th December 2014
rasanya baru kemarin aku mengenalmu.
26 agustus 2016: hari dimana aku jatuh cinta pada seorang sosok Tulus bersamaan dengan kehilangan orang yang dicinta. tak terasa ratusan hari telah berlalu, dan hari ini adalah hari untuk mengakhiri memori yang kami bagi. kami memang tidak saling mengenal dalam waktu yang lama, sehingga tidak akan masuk akal bila aku menulis "memandang lembaran foto hitam putih."
12:35 am perasaanku: kaku dan hampa.
mobil temanku menyisir tol dengan lirik lagu "...ku tetap teman baikmu". stereonya yang sangat kencang namun melodis, aku suka itu. it actually mad me feel like "living". the way he drives and the whole people in the car starts to sing, bertindak seolah-olah tidak ada yang salah. faktanya, kami sedang menuju ke sebuah tempat perhentian, namun juga bisa disebut tempat kepergian. melepas kepergian seseorang yang telah kukagumi sejak dulu, yang tidak pernah terpikir olehku untuk bisa mengenalnya.
there are a lot of words and memories to define you, and things that reminds me of you. seakan tersadar dari lamunan, "dalam setiap perjumpaan pasti ada perpisahan. beberapa orang memang tercipta untuk jatuh cinta, tapi tidak untuk saling memiliki."


Land of Thoughts

"I don't know what to write. I don't have stories to tell."

Gratefully, I'm not that kind of person. In fact, I really love to write. Why? Because writing is expressing, and my mind is full of enigmas that can explode if I don't write.

What I just said above is actually only a hyperbola. Writing is a fun thing to do because you can be anything you wanted to be. Proofing the sentence before, here's a fictional (spontaneous) story based on my true life story;

(P.S: I actually wrote the ending BEFORE I started the whole story.)

Dear diary,
Today was a tiring day! I was still sleeping covered with a floral-printed blanket in my night dress when somebody woke me up. My bedroom's canopy made me forgot that it's already morning. "Good morning!" said my huggable brown teddy bear. I was about to get angry, but it's already 7 a.m which means I really need to get ready for my first day of my second year class. The first thing I do when I stepped out from my bed is opening my window curtain. As usual, I saw some of my neighbour's fairies chatting and laughing happily. Some of them even greeted "good morning" to me. 

I didn't have a lot of time to chat with them, so I just hurried to change into my Wizardry uniform. It's not the fanciest dress like most of the duchess wear, but I really love how it turned out to be when I wore them; the black vest with a cute little red bowtie didn't look too big on me and it matched with the checkered knee-length skirt. Not to mention, I also brought along my brown usual Wizardry bag. I used to spend a lot of time combing my long hair, but combing my medium bob hair now didn't take a lot time. I really wanted to walk gracefully in the castle's hallway while listening to the castle's best string quartet playing one of the famous piece by Tchaikovsky; "Sleeping Beauty Waltz", but I can't.

The Wizardry school has the vibe of a vintage-but-clean school and it was 5 times bigger than my own resident. It also has this huge flower garden that was taken care by the country's best florist. The last time I went here, it was winter. But now, it was already spring and the sakura trees were blooming. The first time I saw it, I was mesmerized! Passing through the flower garden didn't really matter a lot to me even though I have the allergy to grasses, because I really LOVE plants. I didn't notice that one of the fairies followed me along until I heard someone called me from behind. It's the voice that I haven't heard for a long time. The voice that made me smile just by hearing the way that he said my name. Still holding my breath, I was about to turn my back when suddenly-

I heard my phone's alarm playing the usual "Radar" ringtone from my bed's side table. The time said that it's already 6 a.m. Wait a sec- is it morning already? Did I just dream about writing a diary?


Latte Art

You know that a place was meant just for you when you entered a place and you're like "Whoa, I am the first customer today! I am gonna take pictures in every spot."

Well it wasn't just a metaphor, it was true. Today, I went to Koultoura Cafe that was located in Greenville to meet two of my 'haven't met in quiet a while' friends. I am not a fan of coffee, but I LOVE coffee shops. Like the ol' youtuber's sayings, let's get into it!

At first, I ordered a cup of hot chocolate. Why hot? Because you get latte art if you order a hot drink.

The chocolate tasted a little bit too dark for me (because I am a fan of sugar). But in a blink of minute, I already finished my drink.

Okay, candid picture is a must. We noticed that there was a camera in front of us but, it's still candid. We chit-chatted and finished our drink at around 11 p.m. Woops, it's already afternoon! We ordered this plate full of sweet potato bites and meat. With the omelette on top, the dish looked so on point <3

The first thing I love about coffee shops is the design. Look at how minimalistic the interiors are! Also, the wall polaroids are not just some random photos. They are filled with beautiful moments inside of the Koultoura cafĂ©.


Little Tokyo

“Live your life and forget your age,” that’s the quote I’ve been living ever since.

Have you ever felt like you’re afraid of what people think about you because you are not a part of their STEREOTYPE?

Like for example, going to the mall with a super mini bag because it just looks convenient.
I did. But yesterday, I didn't. In fact, we went to the Central Park Mall and brought a hella big SLR with a backpack as well just because we LOVED it.

We were about to have lunch when one of us introduced us to this kind of food court; Tokio Kitchen, that was well-designed with a Japanese street vibe.

We were SUPER hyped! (or at least me) because I’ve never seen such kind of place IN a mall.

I took these photos with my old but gold DSLR Canon 550D, with the fix 50 mm lens and edited them with my laptop.

My first bokeh! I was SUPER happy because it didn’t take a lot of time to capture those beautiful bokeh with the 50 mm lens <3

The kanken bag on my favorite colors (a.k.a navy blue and maroon) i brought to the mall. it doesn’t look that big in the outside but it can carry a lot of stuffs.

This is me, taken beautifully by my dearest “cici”. i love the way that she took the bokeh lights with me being on focus.

Everything that are in a big amount is considered great, I took some photos of these beautiful stacks of magazines and also some wall posters. Look at those depth of fields!

There is something beautiful about blurred photos that I can’t define, can't you quite catch that?

Last but not least, I didn’t come here all by myself. Thanks to my dearest “cici” because she’d love to accompany me taking photos, learning about photography and making memories!